What version is the “existing Datomic Cloud Setup” and what topology is it? I ask because I suspect you are encountering an issue launching the latest version which is now on a single topology against a version older than 884-9095 which was the critical release where we removed the separate topologies.
My plan was to use a group named “pnx-ions-primary” as the primary, and then create additional compute groups for “Environments” prod, dev, etc.
pnx-api % datomic system list-instances pnx-ions -r us-east-1 -p PNX
WARNING: Use of -A with clojure.main is deprecated, use -M instead
I am assuming 884-9095 is [cft]-[cloud] for version scheme. So I need to update “pnx-ions-primary” and before I can add a new group? (and update “pnx-api-dev” while I am at it)
@lucasjordan yes, you will need to upgrade your primary to at least 884-9095 (although I recommend moving everything to the latest) before adding additional new (post 884) compute groups.