Error When Creating New Compute Group

Greetings. I am looking to add a new compute group to an existing Datomic Cloud setup. Following the directions here:

Using the current newest template:

I get the following error from CloudFormation:

No export named pnx-ions-VpcLinkId found. Rollback requested by user.

And the stack is RolledBack. (e.g. fails to deploy, since it is a new stack)

Please advise. Thanks!

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Hi @lucasjordan

What version is the “existing Datomic Cloud Setup” and what topology is it? I ask because I suspect you are encountering an issue launching the latest version which is now on a single topology against a version older than 884-9095 which was the critical release where we removed the separate topologies.

If that is the case, you will also need to upgrade your storage CFT.

My plan was to use a group named “pnx-ions-primary” as the primary, and then create additional compute groups for “Environments” prod, dev, etc.

pnx-api % datomic system list-instances pnx-ions -r us-east-1 -p PNX
WARNING: Use of -A with clojure.main is deprecated, use -M instead

I am assuming 884-9095 is [cft]-[cloud] for version scheme. So I need to update “pnx-ions-primary” and before I can add a new group? (and update “pnx-api-dev” while I am at it)

Thanks for confirming.

@lucasjordan yes, you will need to upgrade your primary to at least 884-9095 (although I recommend moving everything to the latest) before adding additional new (post 884) compute groups.