This message covers changes in this release.
2023/12/20 1102-9309
- Enhancement: Migrate CloudFormation templates to use AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplate instead of the deprecated LaunchConfiguration.
- Fix: Pull expression could return true when supplying a :default for a boolean attribute.
- Fix: Regression introduced in 990-9202 that could cause a database with blank keyword idents to fail to load.
- Performance: Replace BufferedInputStream with an unsynchronized stream.
- Upgrade CFT Lambda Runtime to nodejs18.x
- Upgraded core.async to 1.6.681
- Upgraded commons-codec to 1.16.0
- Upgraded aws-java-sdk-bundle to 1.12.564
- Upgraded memcache-asg-java-client to
- Upgraded http-client to 1.0.126
- Upgraded transit-clj to 1.0.333
- Upgraded client-cloud to 1.0.124
- Upgraded fressian to 0.6.8
- Upgraded guava to 32.0.1-jre
- Upgraded jul-to-slf4j to 1.7.36
- Upgraded log4j-over-slf4j to 1.7.36
- Upgraded jcl-over-slf4j to 1.7.36
- Upgraded tools.namespace to 1.4.4
- Upgrade The AMI is now based on the 2023/10/16 version of the Linux 2023 base AMI.
Templates here: