Datomic Cloud 1102-9309

This message covers changes in this release.

2023/12/20 1102-9309

  • Enhancement: Migrate CloudFormation templates to use AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplate instead of the deprecated LaunchConfiguration.
  • Fix: Pull expression could return true when supplying a :default for a boolean attribute.
  • Fix: Regression introduced in 990-9202 that could cause a database with blank keyword idents to fail to load.
  • Performance: Replace BufferedInputStream with an unsynchronized stream.
  • Upgrade CFT Lambda Runtime to nodejs18.x
  • Upgraded core.async to 1.6.681
  • Upgraded commons-codec to 1.16.0
  • Upgraded aws-java-sdk-bundle to 1.12.564
  • Upgraded memcache-asg-java-client to
  • Upgraded http-client to 1.0.126
  • Upgraded transit-clj to 1.0.333
  • Upgraded client-cloud to 1.0.124
  • Upgraded fressian to 0.6.8
  • Upgraded guava to 32.0.1-jre
  • Upgraded jul-to-slf4j to 1.7.36
  • Upgraded log4j-over-slf4j to 1.7.36
  • Upgraded jcl-over-slf4j to 1.7.36
  • Upgraded tools.namespace to 1.4.4
  • Upgrade The AMI is now based on the 2023/10/16 version of the Linux 2023 base AMI.

Templates here:

1 Like

Can we or should we upgrade the com.datomic/{ion,client-cloud,local,ion-dev} libraries before upgrading the stacks or the other way around?

I tried to look for an answer here, but haven’t noticed any:

Regression introduced in 990-9202 that could cause a database with blank keyword idents to fail to load.

Can you expand on what is meant by “with blank keyword idents”?

My guess would be entities like this: {:db/ident (keyword "\n \t\r")}

@daemianmack and @onetom,

Previous versions of Datomic Cloud would allow you to transact stuff like this:

(d/transact conn {:tx-data [[:db/add "123457" :db/ident (keyword "")]]})

We had a few folks who had idents like this on their system from ETL work and when we made another change in 990 to how DBs were loaded we discovered that users had keywords like : on their system and that caused an error and caught these “blank” idents.

Got it, thanks!