This message covers changes in this release.
2021/09/29 936-9118 - Compute and Storage Update
- Fix: Ensure that code bucket IAM policy points to the correct bucket if bucket was deleted and recreated.
- Fix: Prevent a problem where in rare situations indexing jobs can fail repeatedly with an
. - Enhancement: Improve handling of throttling errors during CloudFormation stack creation.
- Enhancement: The datalog engine will now do self-unification within a single clause.
- Upgraded AWS Java SDK to 1.12.1.
- Upgraded Clojure to 1.10.3
- Upgraded jackson-core to 2.12.3
- Upgraded Jetty to 9.4.41.v20210516
- Upgraded core.async to 1.3.618
- Upgraded http-client to 1.0.108
- Upgraded transit-clj to 1.0.324
- Upgraded data.json to 2.4.0
- Upgraded tools.namespace to 1.1.0
- Upgrade: The AMI is now based on the 07/01/2021 version of Linux 2 base AMI