HOWTO: Log into Receptive, the Datomic request tracker

  1. Log into
  2. “suggest features” link in top right redirects to receptive with a token
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Also if you’re here after starting Datomic with Cloud you won’t have a account. We’re still working with AWS on an integration to auto-create accounts or link receptive accounts. Our support team can directly create a receptive account for you if you do not have or do not wish to create, a account – email us at

Most engineers that work with Datomic in our organization don’t have access to the account, however we often feel the need to contribute to the customer feedback portal. How can we allow our engineers to contribute feedback to cognitect?

Hi Rafael,

You can email us at to request an account on the feedback portal.

As Jaret’s reply above mentioned, we’re still working on coordinating a way to generate accounts for users of Datomic Cloud directly, but for now we’re happy to get you set up directly via email.

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