New Datomic Docs Launch!

We’re excited to share that we’ve unified and updated the Datomic Cloud and Datomic Pro documentation into a single resource. This first iteration has revised content that’s up-to-date and easier to navigate. This was a rather large project and I imagine there will be some problems. Please pardon our dust!

Explore the new documentation and please share your feedback to help us continue improving.

Thank you for your support!


That’s awesome :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks a lot for all the effort. I especially like the comparison table between the three Datomic editions. It’s very helpful for long-term Datomic users and even more for people who have just started exploring Datomic.

A question that popped up in my mind was whether Datomic Local supports “bring your own” monitoring. Does Datomic Local log the usual Datomic metrics that could be forwarded to a monitoring system?

New people may think that Datomic Local does not create indexes and may assume it is slow. But even I, as a long-term Datomic user, now have doubts and revisited the docs.

Thank you, but it would be nice if you could restore the links. For instance, when googling Datomic logging, I’m pointed to this

In general, there seem to be many links broken now.

@Leon thanks! There are simply some redirects we missed. We’re doing our best to catch them all and fix as we find them. Thank you for the report. That one is incorrectly pointing to configuration/ folder instead of operation/

Hi @jaret , thank you. Here is another, firs result when googling datomic transactor configuration

On the page Pro Setup | Datomic there is “You can download the latest version of Datomic Pro here or with this curl command:”, but “here” is not a link to the download page.