Experience report updating from Solo to Datomic Cloud 884-9095

Hi Stu! Here’s req->ring:

(defn- get-path
  "Extracts request URI, removing the leading `/<stage>` path added by AWS.
   This implementation fails if no such leading stage is found in the path."
  (let [s (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :requestContext :stage] "stg")
        p (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :requestContext :http :path] "/")]
    (get (str/split p (re-pattern (str "/" s))) 1 "/"))) ; get rid of stage leading path!

(defn- get-req-method
  "Extracts request method."
  (-> req
      (get-in [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :requestContext :http :method] "GET")

;; The following libs threaded the same path before us. We might need to look at their code for more inspiration.
;; https://github.com/mhjort/ring-apigw-lambda-proxy/blob/master/src/ring/middleware/apigw.clj
;; https://github.com/jpb/ring-aws-lambda-adapter/blob/master/src/ring_aws_lambda_adapter/core.clj
;; Also, this other example appeared after our implementation and seems to contain great wisdom.
;; https://github.com/cnuernber/cljs-lambda-gateway-example/blob/master/src/gateway_example/proxy_lambda.clj
;; He seems to have learned some tricks from https://github.com/FieryCod/holy-lambda
(defn- req->ring
  "Transforms an ionized API Gateway request into a more ring-like request.
   See https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/blob/master/SPEC.
   See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-develop-integrations-lambda.html.
   See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/set-up-lambda-proxy-integrations.html."
  (assoc req
         :server-port (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :headers :x-forwarded-port] 443)
       ;;:server-name (get-in req [:headers "host"] "example.com") ; is already present
         :remote-addr (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :headers :x-forwarded-for] "")
         :uri (get-path req)
       ;;:query-string (generate-query-string
       ;;                (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :queryStringParameters] {}))
         :scheme (keyword (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :headers :x-forwarded-proto] "https"))
         :request-method (get-req-method req)
         :protocol (get-in req [:datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data :requestContext :http :protocol] "HTTP/1.1")
       ;;:ssl-client-cert ; ignored
       ;;:headers ; are already present
       ;;:body InputStream