Datomic Cloud 477-8741 - HTTP Direct; ion 0.9.34 and ion-dev 0.9.229

This message covers changes in this release. For more details, see https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/releases.html

05/16/2019 - 477-8741 - Compute Template Update - HTTP Direct

The 477-8741 release contains fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates:

  • Enhancement: HTTP direct integration for ions.
  • Enhancement: Improved integration between ions and AWS Network Load Balancers. This eliminates transient errors during rolling deployments.
  • Enhancement: Improved integration between ions and AWS Lambda. This also eliminates transient errors.
  • Fix: Issue where cluster nodes could become unresponsive when serving multiple databases or a burst of tx-range queries.
  • Fix: Nested queries could deadlock the query pool on Solo nodes.
  • Fix: Increased direct memory on Production nodes to prevent out-of-direct-memory errors.
  • Update: Version 1.7.26 of org.slf4j libraries.

05/15/2019 - 0.9.229 - ion-dev && 0.9.34 - ion

  • New Feature: HTTP Direct
  • Enhancement: Improved integration between ions and AWS NLBs
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I’m excited to try out HTTP direct. I noticed this line in the docs:

If you have previously connected to Datomic via a VPC Endpoint Service, you will need to delete the VPC Endpoint service before installing a VPC Link for HTTP Direct.

If I am currently using a VPC Endpoint service to connect via the client api from another VPC, will I just need to delete and recreate the Endpoint service and recreate the Endpoint in the other VPC?


Out of curiosity, why is HTTP Direct not available for Solo topologies?

HTTP Direct requires a Network Load Balancer. Solo does not have one.

It’d be great if there was the ability to add a NLB to the Solo topology.

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