11/26/2019 - 569-8835 - Storage and Compute Update
Fix: resolve tempids for reference attributes inside tuples.
Enhancement: performance improvement for range predicates in analytics support
Enhancement: SSH public keys automatically handled by access gateway and proxy script
Enhancement: AutoScalingGroup details exposed as CloudFormation Outputs
Upgrade: AWS Lambda Runtimes moved to NodeJs 10.x
11/26/2019 - CLI Tools - 0.9.33
Note: This release requires a version of Datomic Cloud 569-8835 or newer
Enhancement: datomic-gateway restart now just restarts the process running on the access gateway, instead of restarting the whole instance. This results in faster restart times when making configuration changes. Restarting a bastion-only access gateway has no effect.
Enhancement: Automatically retrieve the hostkey from the access gateway. There will no longer be a warning about the authenticity of the host.