AWS changes will require CFT changes

If you are running a Datomic Cloud system, you may receive notice through your AWS account e-mail about node.js deprecation.

Our Cloud Formation templates use node.js lambdas to create support functions for Cloud Formation. April 30th 2019 is the end of life date for AWS Lambda node.js runtime that we currently use. To address this issue, we have submitted a template to the AWS Marketplace team which will move the support function lambdas created in Cloud to the latest node.js.

We will provide updated templates prior to the deprecation date on our releases page and continue to update this post.

For more information see the announcement here:

Please contact support if you have any questions or concerns.


If I hadn’t stumbled upon this on the forum I would never have thought that the CFT lambdas would fail. Is there any way we can subscribe to a distribution list from Cognitect to be notified about things like this via email?

The latest release contains the necessary changes. More details can be found here: Datomic Cloud 470-8654.1 Critical Update

As far as notification via email, this Announcements topic is the official location for updates / notifications regarding Datomic releases. You can receive email notification of new posts in this topic by “Watching” the Announcements topic (see screenshot below).
