Deleting a System

I went through the exercising of removing a Solo formation and trying to rebuild it with existing storage. I read through the instructions:

…however, I found that I also had to remove the following items in order for a rebuild to properly work:

  • IAM Roles
  • IAM Policies (search for name and by “datomic”)
  • CloudWatch Logs (related to my stack name)

Without removing those items, I got an error upon creation saying the resources already existed (even when specifying that I wanted to reuse storage). After I removed those items and then recreated the formation w/ reused storage I was back up and running.

Not sure if it’ll help anyone else - but it’ll help the future me.

Do not manually delete or alter AWS resources not specified in the documentation at, as this can result in undesirable behavior and/or failure of other Datomic systems in your AWS account.

If you encounter unexpected behavior related to stack creation or deletion, please contact Datomic Support ( for assistance.

We released a short script that will automatically delete the durable storage for you so you don’t have to go through the manual steps listed in the docs. We’ve found this useful to integrate with our infra-as-code tools and just generally making spinning up and down Datomic systems a bit easier.

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