…however, I found that I also had to remove the following items in order for a rebuild to properly work:
IAM Roles
IAM Policies (search for name and by “datomic”)
CloudWatch Logs (related to my stack name)
Without removing those items, I got an error upon creation saying the resources already existed (even when specifying that I wanted to reuse storage). After I removed those items and then recreated the formation w/ reused storage I was back up and running.
Not sure if it’ll help anyone else - but it’ll help the future me.
Do not manually delete or alter AWS resources not specified in the documentation at https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/operation/deleting.html#sec-1, as this can result in undesirable behavior and/or failure of other Datomic systems in your AWS account.
If you encounter unexpected behavior related to stack creation or deletion, please contact Datomic Support (https://www.datomic.com/support.html) for assistance.
We released a short script that will automatically delete the durable storage for you so you don’t have to go through the manual steps listed in the docs. https://github.com/ComputeSoftware/datomic-cloud-tools. We’ve found this useful to integrate with our infra-as-code tools and just generally making spinning up and down Datomic systems a bit easier.