Datomic Cloud pricing fully loaded cost

Hi folks

I’ve seen the pricing docs for Datomic Cloud at https://www.datomic.com/pricing.html and https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-otb76awcrb7aa#pdp-pricing. However the marketplace calculator only seems to show pricing for a single node, even in the production cluster. There is also no indication of storage/bandwidth costs for the different storage systems.

Does anyone have a fully worked pricing example showing what kinds of pricing to expect for a production cluster? I realise that due to all the variables involved everyone’s situation will be different, but I think it would be good to be able to at least give ballpark figures.

Another pricing related question, does licensing costs scale with every instance that is running within a topology or is it fixed? The calculator suggests it will be per instance?

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The Datomic Cloud software is priced per instance hour and depends on topology (i.e. the per hour cost is different for production and solo).
Based on the AWS Calculator, the infrastructure cost for a production system is:


2 i3.large instances = $233.00/month

The software cost is calculated as:
730 hours * $0.156/hour * 2 instances = $227.76/month

For a total baseline cost of $460.76 per month for a basic Production system (2 instances, 24/7).

You would also pay AWS costs for S3 and DynamoDB usage by the system, but those costs will depend entirely on the particulars of your system (data volume, storage size, etc.).

Hi Marshall

You would also pay AWS costs for S3 and DynamoDB usage by the system, but those costs will depend entirely on the particulars of your system (data volume, storage size, etc.).

Yes, that’s what this question was about, I was asking for a few fully worked examples showing something like:

App X is a web application with x,000,000 datoms and is doing 10 transactions/second, pricing works out to:

  • $x on S3 storage
  • $x on S3 API calls
  • $x on EFS
  • $x on DynamoDB
  • $x on Networking

Datomic Cloud’s storage architecture seems to be completely different to Datomic On-Prem, so I have no intuition for how much these other costs are likely to be. $1? $10? $100? $1,000?

Hi Daniel,

The total cost will typically be dominated by the instance costs, not by storage or I/O costs.