This message covers changes in this release. For a summary of critical release notices, see . The complete change log can be found at Change Log | Datomic
1.0.6362: 2022/01/05
- Fix: Don’t print or log connection info by default in peer-server
- Fix: Regression introduced in 1.0.6344 preventing the use of
with peer-server. - Fix: Replace slf4j-nop dependency with slf4j-api
- Upgraded com.datomic/memcache-asg-java-client to
- Upgraded embedded REBL to 0.9.242
- Upgraded core.async to 1.5.648
- Upgraded commons-codec to 1.15
- Upgraded Jetty to 9.4.44.v20210927
- Upgraded logback-classic to 1.2.8
- Upgraded org.slf4j libs to 1.7.32
- Upgraded Guava to 31.0.1
- Upgraded AWS Java SDK to 1.12.100
- Upgraded Tomcat-JDBC to 7.0.109