ClassNotFoundException with Datomic Pro 1.0.6165 and the currently recommended [com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb "1.11.82"]

In summary: I strongly suspect that [com.datomic/datomic-pro "1.0.6165"] requires a more recent version of com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb than 1.11.82, which is the currently recommended version in the docs :

Indeed, when I try todatomic.api/create-database a DynamoDb database, I get a

And indeed, looking at the javadocs for 1.11.82, we can check that class SSESpecification does not exist. It does exist in 1.11.797, and bumping to this version solves the issue.

Request: if my diagnosis is confirmed, please update the On-Prem docs.

Hi Val,

Yes, the required version is 1.11.600
Thanks for catching that, I’ll update the docs.
