Slow query performance (200ms+)

I have a db with 250 attributes. The whole thing is a couple hundred MB. Most queries and transactions are generally performant except when they’re not - at all.

For example, one entity type has a unique string id field, say :myns/-id. There are only about 30 of these entities in the db, yet a simple query based on that id field takes 250 milliseconds to return.

I have tried:

  • adding :index true to that field
  • running the query a few times to make sure the data is cached by the peer library
  • local transactor (macbook pro, light load)
  • AWS transactor backed by DDB (t2.medium instance)
  • local peer library
  • AWS peer library with m2.large instance, 1.5G object cache, and 1G memory index

This is not the only slow query I am seeing, but it’s the hardest to explain.

What factors affect query performance that I haven’t mentioned? Why could a simple indexed one-attribute lookup take 250ms?

From our slack conv, I know that your slow queries are all constant string lookups. Try using ground. If ground fixes it, I would like to better understand why Datomic needs this hint?

'[:find ?e :in $ :where [(ground “some value”) ?v] [?e :myns/-id ?v]]

Also if your id strings are random, you may also be hitting pathological index access patterns that can happen in On-Prem, try using squuids (sequential uuids). This could also explain your high memory usage in the other post – random access of the id index may be forcing the entire index into object cache as described here:

Speculation: the docs suggest that Datomic query has a “prepping” phase which is memoized. I speculate it’s reading the datalog edn and compiling any clojure forms etc (Just a guess!), which is for example why we want to reuse the same static queries rather than generate them dynamically.

So (from our Slack convo)

'[:find ?e :in $ :where [?e :myns/-id “bt1ZZ8gRXrTflO4s75ETlTCnfxyIaoeNDXVDx6h0Ob4=”]]

This is dynamically constructed new query for each userid, so better would be to pass the userid through the :in clause. This I believe is exactly what ground accomplishes in effect.