When using a history database I found that indexes are ordered by the boolean asserted/retracted datom value before the T value. First by retractions, then assertions, or false-T, then true-T. I was surprised that my T’s were not in order by themselves. I haven’t been able to find this behaviour mentioned in the documentation and wonder what the rationale for it is?
Which index(es) specifically did you investigate (and I’m assuming you’re doing this investigation via the datoms
API directly)?
I don’t believe any of the indexes make specific guarantees about the relative ordering of datoms based on the Op value.
I’ll try demonstrating by doing two transactions where the first one produces entity id 17592186045445 and the second updates that entity:
[[:db/add, #db/id[:db.part/user -1000097], :ns/int, 1]]
[[:db/add, 17592186045445, :ns/int, 2]]
Then when I call the datoms API on a history db:
conn.db().history().datoms(datomic.Database.EAVT, 17592186045445.asInstanceOf[Object]).forEach(d =>
println(s"[${d.e} ${d.a} ${d.v} ${d.tx} ${d.added()}]")
I get the following 3 datoms:
[17592186045445 64 1 13194139534342 false]
[17592186045445 64 1 13194139534340 true]
[17592186045445 64 2 13194139534342 true]
whereas I would have expected the following order where the datoms are ordered by T (tx id) too:
[17592186045445 64 1 13194139534340 true]
[17592186045445 64 1 13194139534342 false]
[17592186045445 64 2 13194139534342 true]
Hi Marc,
The T is sorted in descending order.
This is a fairly “rare” case to see (i.e. you’d have to be using datoms
on a history database), but I will see if I can add a description of this to the documentation.
I’ve updated the docs:
Thanks for pointing it out.
Thanks for the clarification and docs update, Marshall.
If you allow me to be super-nitty-picky, then you might even consider making an addition to clarify that Datoms of the log (also an Index although not “one of four”) are sorted with T ascending. Maybe the first sentence of the log paragraph could be expanded to something like
“The log indexes datoms by time with transaction ids/T in ascending order.”
The Log feels naturally progressing in time for each transaction iterated whereas the descending order of Ts in the other four indexes (when using the history database) feels a bit like “three steps forward (E/A/V) and one step backward (T)”. From a user perspective I think it would be nice if Ts of the four indexes were instead sorted ascending to semantically align with the log.