Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at datomic.dev-local.impl/validate-storage-dir! (impl.clj:339).
No implementation of method: :as-file of protocol: #'clojure.java.io/Coercions found for class: clojure.lang.Symbol
Try explicitly setting your storage dir in the connection string if you are going to execute the program with clj. I would expect your setup to work from a REPL on a machine with this local.edn file. Have you confirmed it works just from a clojure REPL in the project?
Im still learning the difference between the syntax / working between the REPL and program and I guess I mixed the two up in composing my code from different examples …
I am always learning too. Given that this fixed it I suspect wherever you were running did not have access to the :storage-dir or perhaps that .datomic file did not exist with it defined on that place.