Dev-local 0.9.183 now available

Version 0.9.183 of Datomic dev-local is now available for download.


07/21/2020 - 0.9.183

  • Update: use latest Client API

07/21/2020 - 0.8.102 - Client-Cloud Update

  • Fix: datomic.api.client.async/client now accepts :dev-local as a :server-type
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How do we know which version of the Client API is this library using?
Or is it something which shouldn’t matter much?

Would it be possible to use ISO date format, like on the Datomic page?
Datomic - like most software - is an international product, so it would make sense to use a more international convention.

I live in Hong Kong btw, and the date format here is the same or similar, but I still can’t remember after 7 years, whether it’s DD/MM or MM/DD.

Wikipedia says:

Dates written in Hong Kong and Macau are often formatted in the DD.MM.YYYY style due to European influences. Nonetheless, the Chinese form of the dates is still read in the same way as described above. Visas for the People’s Republic of China also conform to this format.

— Date and time notation in Asia - Wikipedia.

but I think I see MM/DD more in practice. Such a nuisance…

Hi @onetom,

How do we know which version of the Client API is this library using?
Or is it something which shouldn’t matter much?

dev-local follows the same conventions of any .jar. You can examine the deps included with the jar. For example, if you’re using clojure and include the .jar you can review the deps with -Stree:

clojure -Stree

Would it be possible to use ISO date format, like on the Datomic page?

I’ll discuss changing the dates with the team.

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Sorry, I meant, how can I tell the client version without downloading dev-local, since that version “communicates” the available features (like the android api levels) and bug fixes.
But indeed, it’s not that important, I just have to get more fluent with the options of Clojure CLI.

Thanks taking the date format into consideration!