I can use a classpath function in a Peer query when using an in-memory database. The Peer picks nicely up on that.
But without a separate running transactor to add a class path to where my class path transaction functions live, it seems that I can’t add such to have it available in transactions when using an in-memory database. Is that correctly understood? (I want to add a Scala function that is compiled to JVM code. Adding the Scala code as a text string itself is not an option).
Is my only option to run any class path transaction function dependent test only with durable setups? (free/starter/pro)
Sorry I was unclear and thanks for the clarification!
I was maybe hoping for some magic in the in-memory database using tx functions somehow. But of course that doesn’t make sense without having a running transactor, duh.
It seems that setting the classpath variable DATOMIC_EXT_CLASSPATH with the free version has no effect/is not supported. Is this correct? If so, I hope you’re planning to make it available in the free version too at some point.